Artifact Finds
Mowsbury Hillfort

Pottery found in rabbit diggings at Mowsbury Hillfort.
The two pottery sherds are held at The Higgins Art Gallery and Museum, Bedford and are reproduced here with their kind permission.
Image 1 and 2. Small Iron Age pot sherd. A body, or possibly a base sherd from a handmade domestic pot. It is reasonably well made and tempered with sand or quartz. The internal surface is black in colour from firing. The external surface is grey.
Images 3, 4 and 5, St Neots type shelly ware from about the 12th century. It is a base sherd from a large, wheel thrown, vessel. Possibly a cooking pot or a jar. The base of the pot would probably have been up to 10 inches across. It is not too abraided and is relatively fresh looking.
Other artifacts found while clearing scrub and other tasks by members of the Friends Group.